A.J. Murphy's Hollister Birthday
We go every year to Hollister Hills OHV Park to help our mascot, A.J. Murphy, and the Murphy Clan celebrate A.J.'s birthday ... it's always a lot of fun!
Read MoreWe go every year to Hollister Hills OHV Park to help our mascot, A.J. Murphy, and the Murphy Clan celebrate A.J.'s birthday ... it's always a lot of fun!
Read MoreWe rode with Road Captain Ben and the San Francisco Motorcycle Club on Sunday, one of the two official club rides this month ...
Read MoreAll the true-believer motorcycle people in the Bay Area attend a gathering of the clans on the top of Mount Tamalpias on Easter Sunday to watch the Sunrise ... we saw members of the Oakland Motorcycle Club and the East Bay Rats ...
Read MoreSunday was a big day for us ... Cary had been road racing with the AFM for the past three seasons, and I had joined her last season ... That mostly prevented us from riding with the SFMC on the sixteen club rides put on each riding season between March and October for the last few years ... so we were psyched to make this ride.
Read MoreWe had our annual pool tournament with the Oakland Motorcycle Club today at our clubhouse ...
Read MoreCary and I rode to Baja over the holidays, ultimately to Bahia de los Angelesand met our friends Christine and Slim Jim ... So the San Francisco Motorcycle Club had three members in Baja in the early days of 2013 ...
Read MoreThis morning 11 SFMC members, the remaining 3 Maniacs members and friends pushed off the dock at 10am to say a final good bye to our Honorary Member aboard the "Bass Tub".
Read MoreSawmill Enduro
Member Mike Ofeish sends us this ride report: Sunday April 2nd, 2011 was the Sawmill Enduro. Hosted by the North Bay M.C.. Phil Bowman, Mike Ofiesh, and David Peckham were greeted with a cool, clear morning and sunny skies. Rain, the week prior, filled the rivers and kept the dust to a minimum. A few days before, nearby, Benmore Creek was over 6 feet deep and not able to be crossed. The water level was dropping about two feet per day.
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Today 11 members, 3 prospects, and 2 guest started their day in front of the SFMC clubhouse ready to ride to the Cheese Factory in Marin County. This would be a one tank ride at about 120 miles in total, which is just fine and dandy as the price of gas is continuing to inch its way well past $4.00 a gallon. Since the 1st 2rides of the season were critized for having way too many freeway miles we would be using alot of 2 lane roads to get to our final destination.
Read MoreSaturday, March 26, 2011 Brunch at Hs' Lordship After spending 6 days in the saddle this ride was a piece of cake, and a omelet, and crab legs, and champagne . . . . you get the point.
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