A Cheesy Captain's Run
2 April, 2011
Today 11 members, 3 prospects, and 2 guest started their day in front of the SFMC clubhouse ready to ride to the Cheese Factory in Marin County. This would be a one tank ride at about 120 miles in total, which is just fine and dandy as the price of gas is continuing to inch its way well past $4.00 a gallon. Since the 1st 2rides of the season were critized for having way too many freeway miles we would be using alot of 2 lane roads to get to our final destination.
The route went something like this. Left the clubhouse and headed west to Valencia,waved to on-lookers at Munroe's and Zeitgeist before crossing Market. Timed the hills over Franklin to catch the green lights and turned ontoLombard to cross the Golden Gate Bridge at the tempered speed of 45 mph. We really pissed off some guy on a BMW as we cut him off and he later dashed by us honking his horn and waving a fist. Across the bridge we took the 2nd exit and headed into the Marin Headlands to take photos of the bridge and ride thru thr 5 minute tunnel. Back to 101 and exit at Mill Valley where we would ride Hiway 1 up the coast as far as Tomales. Roads and scenery were excellent and only the occasional car/ truck/ RV/ tow truck would attempt to impeed our progress. There was a considerable wind blowing and it was decided to go inland to the Cheese Factory at this point.
The highlight of the ride had to be the last 10-15 miles as we traveled Tomales-Petaluma, Chileno Valley, and Hicks Valley Roads. These roads were absent of other vehicles and offered some nice sweeping curves with see to the horizon views. They had motorcycle written all over them.
Once at the Cheese Factory, we settled in for a nice lunch of deli sandwiches, cheeses, olives, and other goodies. Suggestion were bantered about for other places we might choose to ride to today, but the group decided the day was already a success and we should point our bikes towards the south to return home to the City. Chuck and Tegan would take their own route back home to Oakland as the rest of us headed back by way of Petaluma-Point Reyes, Nicasio Valley, Lucas Valley Roads and the International Orange Bridge.
A couple of drinks at the clubhouse and conversation about future rides finished out the day.
Oh, it should be noted that Leonard has made the last 2 rides, today on a Honda Hawk. Any of you with the slightest sense of self-respect should really get out of the house.
Luv, Papa